About the Artist

To artist Kris Kodweis, there is no force more powerful than the one that drives him to design and create. 

Countless hours of his childhood were spent tinkering with Lego sets, model cars, and even personal computers – projects that eventually led him to pursue computer science and graphic design.

A son of a woodworker, Kris grew up around his father’s woodshop where he could pick up skills of his own and observe quality craftsmanship in action.  

In 2016, he merged his passion for design and woodworking with intricate, turned pieces on the lathe, including pens and small bowls.

Over time, he was able to refine his craft and eventually launch his custom design and woodcraft business, Kodweis Kreations.

“Wood is a special medium. Even after the tree is cut down, the wood is still living in some respects. You can see in the grain, in its imperfections, what it has endured on its journey to my shop, all while remaining solid and beautiful. It’s personal.”

I start each project by establishing a strong, collaborative relationship with my clients from concept to delivery so I can translate their vision into a bespoke piece that not only suits their aesthetic and functional goals but feels truly theirs.”